2020.07.30 (木)
Q1: What kind of samples do you usually work with?
A: Mammalian cell culture
Q2: What is your goal in the research that you are working on right now?
A: Basic biology research encompassing a variety of fields from neurobiology to developmental biology.
Q3: What kind of application/microscopy do you use during the time-lapse imaging?
A: Point scanning confocal microscopy with multiple fluorophores.
Q4: What were the subjects/topics that attracted your attention most recently in your filed?
A: Fast superresolution microscopy
Q1: What is your favorite part about the Tokai Hit system that you own?
A: User friendly and rugged
Q2: How do you describe Tokai Hit product performance, features, and services to you?
A: Very good
Q1: What kind of samples do you usually work with?
A: Mammalian cell culture
Q2: What is your goal in the research that you are working on right now?
A: Basic biology research encompassing a variety of fields from neurobiology to developmental biology.
Q3: What kind of application/microscopy do you use during the time-lapse imaging?
A: Point scanning confocal microscopy with multiple fluorophores.
Q4: What were the subjects/topics that attracted your attention most recently in your filed?
A: Fast superresolution microscopy
Q1: What is your favorite part about the Tokai Hit system that you own?
A: User friendly and rugged
Q2: How do you describe Tokai Hit product performance, features, and services to you?
A: Very good
Q1: What kind of samples do you usually work with?
A: Mammalian cell culture
Q2: What is your goal in the research that you are working on right now?
A: Basic biology research encompassing a variety of fields from neurobiology to developmental biology.
Q3: What kind of application/microscopy do you use during the time-lapse imaging?
A: Point scanning confocal microscopy with multiple fluorophores.
Q4: What were the subjects/topics that attracted your attention most recently in your filed?
A: Fast superresolution microscopy
Q1: What is your favorite part about the Tokai Hit system that you own?
A: User friendly and rugged
Q2: How do you describe Tokai Hit product performance, features, and services to you?
A: Very good